St George

Location and contact details

Location" Location: 2601 Monarch St, Alameda, CA 94501, USA
By Visit Type: By appointment only
Co-ordinates" Co-ordinates: 37.787621, -122.309242
Telephone" Telephone: +1 510.769.1601
Email" Email:
Web" Web:
Twitter" Twitter: St. George Spirits (@StGeorgeSpirits)

Facts and figures

LocationAlameda County
FounderJorg Rupf

Opening Hours

Thursday–Saturday noon–7pm
Sunday noon–5pm


Distillery Tour


Distillery tours ($20) are an extraordinary way to learn about craft distillation and artisanal spirits.

Tours take groups out onto the production floor to get a closer look at our copper stills and other equipment. While out on the floor, your friendly and knowledgeable spirit guide will provide an overview of the distillery’s history, introduce you to their family of spirits, and explain the production process and equipment. The experience will provide you with a real sense of exactly what goes into crafting what’s in your glass.

Tours conclude in the tasting room with a guided tasting designed to help you learn how to approach and appreciate spirits. Each tasting includes a selection of six of the spirits—all made onsite!

Current tour times are:
Fridays at 5:30pm

Saturdays at 1, 2 & 3pm

Sundays at 1, 2 & 3pm

Tours last approximately 60–75 minutes (tasting included).

[nearby type="distillery"]Information correct as of 15/01/2020

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