Tenn South copprDistilleriesUnited States of AmericaTennesseeTenn SouthLocation and contact details Location: Tenn South Distillery, 1800 Abernathy Rd, Lynnville, TN 38472 Visit Type: Vistor Centre Co-ordinates: 35.350307, -87.017349 Telephone: +1 931-527-0027 Email: info@tennsouthdistillery.com Web: http://tennsouthdistillery.com/ Twitter: TennSouth Distillery (@Tenn_South)Facts and figuresLocationGiles CountyOpening HoursOpen for tours from Monday to Saturday from 0900 to 1700. Map[nearby type="distillery"]Information correct as of 15/01/2020 copprDistilleriesUnited States of AmericaTennesseeTenn South