Location and contact details

Facts and figures
Location | Edinburgh |
Founded | 2019 |
Stills | 1 gin still |
Opening Hours
Tours available by apointment only.
Stillhouse Tour
In the not too distant future, the distillery will be a shiny new whisky distillery with underfloor heating. For now, however, they have a freezing industrial unit in Leith with an orange shed and gin still inside. It’s not much, but it’s home, and they love it.
This is your chance to see where it’s all beginning Leith Distillery, before they move along the road. Over the course of 75 minutes or so, they’ll tell you their (rather long) journey so far and all about how we devised and produce Lind & Lime Gin. You can enjoy a glass of their Oloroso Sherry, a Gin & Tonic and their signature recipe Gimlet while you listen. Just dress warmly.
And don’t touch anything.