Location and contact details

Facts and figures
Location | Corsair Artisan Distillery, 400 E Main Ave #110, Bowling Green, KY 42101, USA |
Founder | Darek BellAndrew Webber |
Tours cost $8 are take place Tuesday to Saturday, every hour on the hour from 11 AM to 4 PM.
Co-founders Darek and Amy Lee Bell and Andrew Webber went from homebrewing wine and beer in a garage to now having two locations in Nashville, Tennessee, and Bowling Green, Kentucky producing beer and various spirits. "Their award winning spirits include Buckwheat Whiskey, Artisan Gin, Red Absinthe, Vanilla Bean Vodka, Spiced Rum, Triple Smoke, Quinoa Whiskey, Ryemageddon and a vast selection of seasonal and experimental offerings."