
Location and contact details

Location" Location: 900 44th Avenue North - Nashville, TN 37209
Visitor Visit Type: Vistor Centre
Co-ordinates" Co-ordinates: 36.158150, -86.839409
Web" Web:
Twitter" Twitter: PennDistillingCo. (@PDC_Nashville)

Facts and figures

FounderJeff and Jenny Pennington
OwnerJeff and Jenny Pennington

Opening Hours

Thursday - Saturday 11 am - 6 pm. Tours at the top of each hour from 11 am - 5 pm.


Tour & Tasting


Walking through the facility you will experience every step in the process, from grinding the grain to bottling the finished products. The tour concludes at the tasting bar where you may sample any of the impressive spirits from the distilleries portfolio. You may also visit the bottle and gift shop during the regular hours.



Walking through the facility you will experience every step in the process, from grinding the grain to bottling the finished products. The tour concludes at the tasting bar where you may sample any of the impressive spirits from the distilleries portfolio. You may also visit the bottle and gift shop during the regular hours.

[nearby type="distillery"]Information correct as of 15/01/2020

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