What's the #weather usually like in #North Carolina, #SouthCarolina, #Maryland, #Virginia and #WestVirginia in April/May? Anything a visitor driving around should be concerned about?
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 27, 2019
What's the #weather usually like in #North Carolina, #SouthCarolina, #Maryland, #Virginia and #WestVirginia in April/May? Anything a visitor driving around should be concerned about?
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 27, 2019
#Review of @glenfarclas #DistilleryTour: https://t.co/Tal6A19t6X #Scotland #Speyside #Ballindaloch #Moray #Scotch #ScotchWhisky #Whisky pic.twitter.com/bsTj69OJVr
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 27, 2019
Every word was meant and I really did appreciate you taking the time to talk me through the computer system, so credit where it is due. 😉
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 27, 2019
#Review of @edradourmalt #DistilleryTour: https://t.co/VHSq0BCDdW #Scotland #Highlands #Perthshire #Scotch #ScotchWhisky #Whisky
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 23, 2019
Last year I was 22 of them.
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 23, 2019
It really grinds my gears when someone says something like "we use #bourbon barrels from @JimBeam, @FourRoses and ** @JackDaniels_US **". One of these things is not like the others. One of these things is actually a #TennesseeWhiskey.
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 23, 2019
.@DrinkGlenturret also has a very good #restaurant. A few dishes to choose from; I opted for a #burger with crispy chips (#fries) #cheddarcheese and #onionrings followed by a #chocolate and #strawberry #cheesecake pic.twitter.com/EICBS3lLJy
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 22, 2019
For those who didn't count, we'll be visiting 32 distilleries in 14 days as we pass through the #Highlands of #Scotland into #Speyside. Reviews of each #distillery tour will be posted as we go. #Scotch #Whisky #DistilleryTour
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 21, 2019
If you are visiting distilleries, you will get to enjoy samples at each one; be safe and have a designated driver, or carry your samples away. Many distilleries have sample pots available if you ask. @Drinkaware #Scotch #Scotland #Speyside #Highlands #Whisky #DistilleryTour
— coppr|Distilleries To Visit (@CopprUk) September 21, 2019